Bible Plan

Bible Reading – Genesis 16

Gen 16 started with story of Sara’s struggle and right positioned after the story of covenant in Gen 15, where there is the legendary verse Gen 15:6 and the terrifying account of covenant btwn God and Abraham

Sara blamed God. Remind us of Eve? She proposed a solution which is happily taken by Abraham (my friend said, which cat will refuse salted fish? (Indonesian idiom)).

This chapter deals with delicate reality of faith, our understanding, etc – in one word. Mystery.

Did Abraham misunderstand?

Was Abraham’s faith waiver?

One interesting fact is that God put effort to fix Abraham’s mistake and paid the damage control.

Another one: God loves Hagar and Ishmael.

Later on, Paul used this story to argue the story of righteouesness by grace through faith, contrasting with law, self effort, and self-righteousness.

In both context, the story echoes the same, still God loves Hagar and Ishmael.

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