Author - henry

Bible Plan

Bible Reading – Genesis 17

Laughing at the promise – 笑傲江湖 In this chapter, here are events happened, after the unfolding saga in last chapter. – God reminded again...

Bible Plan

Bible Reading – Genesis 16

Gen 16 started with story of Sara’s struggle and right positioned after the story of covenant in Gen 15, where there is the legendary verse Gen...

Bible Plan

Bible Plan (YouVersion app)

Below are Bible Plans published by us, that you can access via YouVersion app. It is available in English, Chinese and Bahasa Indonesia. A Letter to...


Thanksgiving Memorial

Soren Kierkegaard once said, “Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards”. We look back to our yesterdays and look forward...


Tree Planted by the Sea

If I said ‘Tree’ related to Bible, what would you have in mind? Okay, some would quickly refer to the Garden of Eden’s incident...


Di Bawah Tangan Tuhan

Karena itu rendahkanlah dirimu di bawah tangan Tuhan yang kuat, supaya kamu ditinggikan-Nya pada waktunya. Serahkanlah segala kekuatiranmu kepada...


Free eBook Melukis Kasih Karunia

Silakan untuk mendownload eBook, Melukis Kasih Karunia, di sini. Kiranya buku ini memberkati dan silakan dishare kepada siapapun. Jika Anda ingin...

Artikel Ngopi

God Is In Control

Setelah Yakub tinggal selama sebulan di rumah Laban, maka Laban pun mengusulkan kepada Yakub, “Nak, katakan kamu mau gaji berapa. Kita kan...