Bible Plan

Genesis 6 – Favor in Rest

Man got deteriorated even more rapidly in their morality. They were doing interbreeding and this seemed to cause 2 things:

– God said His spirit became limited in time for 120 years

– the birth of Nephilims or giants

The evil was ravaging both in actions and imaginations.

Then Noah (rest) was singled out here as one that found favor (khana). First mention of this word. Noah was mentioned as righteous and here again, Noah walked with God (like Enoch).

God was deeply sad with all the evils and decided to wipe out with flood but will save Noah’s and family.

So God told Noah to build the ark and gave detail instructions. Noah obeyed.

This chapter is a story of salvation. Sin begot death and punishment. So God saved the righteous who had favor/grace, Noah had good relationship with God and trusted and obeyed him.

The plot looks as simple as that.

Grace – righteousness – walk with God – trust – obey – victory

Gospel is both a mystery and a simple idea.

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