Bible Plan

Genesis 50 – Am I in the place of God?

Jacob died in the arms of Joseph and was given a very grand funeral.

I remembered Jacob told Pharaoh that his days were not comparable to Abraham and Isaac.

I feel God had a good sense of humor here. He probably chatted with Jacob up there, “Do you want now to see how is your last days remembered?”

Technically the funeral procession was so great and perhaps the greatest recorded in Bible for the patriachs. He was buried at Ephron’s site. The Canaanite was amazed and called the place abelmizraim – the mourning of egyptians.

The brothers now were really scared and sent messenger to Joseph, to pass Jacob’s message and then they went down and told Joseph to treat them as servant.

Again Joseph wept.

And he repeated again his forgiveness and sealed it with honor to God:

“Am I in the place of God?” He said to his fearful brothers.

Often we are angry and offended or want to take revenge, forgetting what we are today merely by His grace and mercy alone…

Are we in the place of God?

Am I?

Am I?

Am I?


Who am I?

Anyway…Joseph reassured them and spoke gently to them.

Joseph led his life to the fullest, seeing his great great grand children…and he repeated again his request to carry his bones back to the Promised Land. This is not just a memorial request, this is a request for Israel to remember their identities.

We would see in the next book that generations after that, they forgot Joseph’s request, meaning they forgot their identities and the promise.

Remember who God is and who we are. All shall be shalom.

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