Bible Plan

Genesis 5 – Ha’lak and No’ah

This chapter shares the story of Adam’s lineage through Seth.

A few interesting things:

the life span of man decreased, with the exception of Kenan, slightly improved but in general was a downward trend.

– Notable mention is Enoch. For the first time it’s mentioned of man walked (ha’lak) with God. This word was used before a few times but not in the context. Indonesian bible translated it as “bergaul” – which means: to commune, in relationship, in good friendship, etc – which is more beautiful actually. Enoch means to train, dedicate, discipline – ??

– then the prayer and wish that Lamech had for Noah, hoping him to bring rest, comfort for the lives on the cursed ground.

The ground were cursed twice, once with Adam then with Cain.

I can sympathize with Lamech. He probably felt tired with all the labors and seeing his life passed with out meaning but just rat race like hamster in the cage. Hey, sounds familiar in today’s tiktok age!!

So he prayed for Noah, meaning rest, comfort.

My focus today is on Enoch. Though short story, it means a lot. He walked with God and he continued doing so without experiencing mortality death. The genealogy was recording the mortality rate and age of others, YET the insertion of Enoch contrasting that mortality (like mocking it humorously), In it, it is a subtle hidden message to us:

“In God’s presence there is no mortality”

(See yesterday’s)

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