Bible Plan

Genesis 40 – The Dream Interpreter

Joseph was imprisoned together with a cupbearer and a baker. Both are critical positions to Pharaoh, because during that time kings need to be careful of poisoning.

Both had dreams and told their dreams to Joseph. Joseph interpreted it, for the cupbearer, in 3 days he will be freed and restored.

Joseph also pleaded to him that once he is freed, to relay the message to Pharaoh and helped him, and he emphasized that he was kidnapped and he had done nothing wrong and deserved to be in prison. (actually this is the first mention implying Joseph’s frustration that he did not deserve this).

For the baker, he will be impaled.

And in 3 days, it was Pharaoh’s birthday, the interpretation that Joseph gave, happened exactly.

The chapter closed with a sad “cliff hanger” moment – the cupbearer forgot about him.

If I watch movie, this is the part that I hate. The usual TV series will leave a cue but leave it there for indefinite time and uncertainties, leaving me hanging.

The next chapter, actually was fast forward to 2 years.

You see, again about God’s timing. We, human, are very impatient and efficient. In Singapore, we don’t like to waste time, our motto is kan-cheong, hurry. I also hate uncertainties, I want to be in control and I know what would happen in future.

But yeah God is God. Joseph’s hope on that cupbearer was dashed, as this chapter closed it with ‘he forgot’.

God has his own timing.

To think about it, if the cupbearer did not forget and told Pharaoh, would the situation be good? Maybe not. Maybe Pharaoh would not believe him and accused him of lying. But 2 years later, Pharaoh had a dream too, and the time was right.

God has his perspective on time (Heb: olam) – and He makes everything beautiful in its time.

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