Bible Plan

Genesis 37 – The Dream and the Pit

The story started with an opening that the chapters onward is in parallel of Esau’s genealogy, but of course is much longer, to emphasize the path of Israel. So, Jacob settled in the promised land, and inherited Isaac’s land.

And the next sentence started with Joseph, indicating that the new season of Joseph has started.

Joseph was born with privilege, as his father loved him more than his brothers, because he was born at Jacob’s old age. I used to hear in Sunday school, that it’s because he’s Rachel’s son but technically the text did not say so. But then, if it is about old age, then why not Benjamin singled out?

One day Joseph shared his dreams, 2 times, implying that he will reign over his brothers and father.

Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him and finally in a spur of moment found the opportunity to get rid of him, when Joseph visited them at the pasture.

They plotted to kill him. Reuben prevented that, and softened it by proposing to just threw it to the pit temporarily so he might rescued him later.

They sold him to the Ishmaelites who then sold him to Midianites who then sold him to Potiphar. Notice the supply chain. I wonder if the brothers sold it to Ishmaelites first just to lessen their guilts and hence they pass some moral blame to Ishmaelites, knowing that the Midianites were there to buy. (Midianites were Abraham descendants from Keturah).

When Reuben found out, he was saddened.

When Joseph found out he tore his clothes and declared that he would be in agony until he died, and refused to be comforted. Ever since Ch 33, Jacob’s life now has been in anguish, deep sorrow. I feel him.

Joseph had a dream from God, we can see later that those dreams were fulfilled. Right after the dream, he was stripped off and found himself in a pit.

Hold on to the dream God planted in you, even though circumstance throws you to the pit, God is still watching over you.

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