Bible Plan

Genesis 34 – Jacob’s Heartache

After the happy ending chapter 33, the next 2 chapters actually brought Jacob to the valley of tears.

Jacob settled at Shechem in previous chapter and bought a land from Hamor. Dinah, the only Jacob’s daughter was defiled by Shechem son of Hamor the local king. Shechem fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. So Hamor came and proposed. Jacob’s sons were mad upon knowing the incident and tricked them, by pretending to accept the proposal with requirement to circumcise all males.

While they were still in pain, the sons attacked, and Simeon and Levi killed all males.

Jacob rebuked Simon and Levi’s violence, reminding them of the consequences that they were small and would be in trouble if attacked.

It’s a dark moment for Jacob, the pain that his daughter had to bear. He also witnessed his 2 son’s violence sadly. (later on his deathbed, he rebuked Simon and Levi’s violent nature).

Sometimes I wonder, why God allowed the tragedy to Dinah.. and I could not find any answer.


PS: I read John Wesley commentary on this and I am displeased with his writing that blamed Dinah.

This reminded me of the Indonesian’s May 1998 tragedy too.

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