Bible Plan

Genesis 30 – The sisters rivalry

Rachel became angry since she did not have baby, and unleashed it to Jacob, who was angry at Rachel too.

Hence Rachel gave her maid to sleep with Jacob, and then Leah did the same…. so you see, the 12 tribes of Israel were born out of sister rivalry and their names were bestowed in one theme: ” the yearning to be number one in Jacob’s eyes”.

The heat of the rivalry felt very strongly that Leah snapped at Rachel as stealing her husband. And Rachel “sold” one night ticket with Jacob with a price of the mandrakes.

God listened to both Leah and Rachel and opened the womb. Leah’s tone in naming her sons were pretty much toned down and more in “praising” tunes, compared to the first three, though we could still catch her yearning to be honored by Jacob, in naming Zebulun.

Laban tried to prevent Jacob to go back as he was fully aware that his business flourished because of God blessed Jacob.

So Jacob made a pact with Laban to divide the asset. The cunning Laban of course tried to take advantage of Jacob.

Jacob won. He had more and better flocks than Laban. (I analyse the story and it seemed Jacob studied the genetics mechanism as aided by an angel in his dream).

As I look at above “Korean” drama cast, I wonder:

If I were Leah, what would I do?

– should I focus on give thanks hence letting go the needs to have husband validation?

If I were Rachel?

– would I focus to give thanks on what I have?

If I were Laban?

– knowing that God was the ultimate source and Jacob’s secret, would I prostrate and worship Him and valued him more, and come to him directly?

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