Bible Plan

Genesis 1 – Be-resyith (in the beginning)

Genesis 1 is one of the most studied, debated, argued chapter scholarly, along with others, for example John 1. The question of the beginning is always an existential one and is one of the foundations of the meaning of life.

Practically, here are my notes:

God himself is an indetermine being, hence He doesn’t have beginning and end.

The beauty of Triune relationship in the creation starts our Bible text, the relationship of the Trinity reflecting God’s friendship with us. They worked together in the Creation, the Father sent The Word while the Spirit incubated – and they created the universe.

There was chaos, no form, dark. And God came to create order. And so is with our life, when you feel your life is dark and chaos, know this: There will be light, and then fruits, when God comes.

Spirit of God was hovering over the water (huge water in that ancient culture, typify “disorder, amok, fear, chaos”) and He incubated like the way the hen incubated (the word hover could also mean incubate) the eggs. So is He, with us within us flowing continuously deep within as living water bringing ultimate peace.

God saw and say it’s good. In the beginning was good. And even after the fall, we are restored to God’s goodness. Maybe not the ideal heaven we want to see yet on this earth, but God’s goodness is all we need and He has made our life good again in Christ.

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