Bible Plan

Genesis 23 – The Princess Has Gone Home

In this chapter, Sarah died. Abraham mourned her and prepared a burial site from her, purchased from Efron the Hittites.

The story opened with Sarah’s death at Kiriath Arba. Abraham went there and mourned.

Now, this is interesting fact. Arba is far from Bersheerba. Dr Asigor Sitanggang explained it’s because of Sarah’s dissapointment of the “Isaac sacrifice” event, that she left Abraham. That means toward the end Abraham and Sara separated.

The text actually did not explain the cause of separation. But if indeed it is caused by that event, then I feel the pain for Abraham. Afterall he still paid the price even after he went down from Moriah with Isaac alive. I remembered the way Kierkegaard explained it in Fear and Trembling, it must have been a horrifying account for Sarah then.

I can sense the emotions of the story teller to describe how devastated Abraham with Sarah’s departure. I could imagine his grief facing Sarah’s body. Abraham loved Sarah afterall, till death.

Abraham bought the land from Efron, despite he initially refused to sell but williing to give it for free, on the account of how much he respected Abraham so highly and called him prince. God indeed maintained his dignity!

Abraham did not take advantage and maintained his dignity and insisted to pay.

Afterall this is for the one he loved dearly.
Afterall the tears was not dry in his heart, what is 400 shekels of silver?

While the text sounds emotionless, for me (maybe just me), I feel the deep mourning and sadness of Abraham.

And oh, btw… Abraham decided to stay there with Isaac.. perhaps to be close with Sarah (see Gen 35).

God’s hands is with Abraham during his ups and downs, in agony or laughter.

Like a faithful friend… He is our faithful friend too. Abraham bergaul akrab dengan Allah.

PS: the Hittites are the ancestors of the Indo European Turkish

On this writing, I pay homage to Amang Asigor Sitanggang who inspired me to start this daily bible writing. Too bad, I cannot join him, since I am not able to catch up with him, with 5 chapters a day! I can barely try 1 chapter a day and God knows if I can tahan to finish until revelation or not… it would take 4-5 years..!

I purposely use indonesian spelling for Ephron as homage to someone.

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