Ditulis oleh AAS – Dimuat seizin penulis 6:56 Barangsiapa makan daging-Ku dan minum darah-Ku, ia tinggal di dalam Aku dan Aku di dalam dia. 6:57 Sama seperti Bapa yang hidup mengutus Aku dan Aku hidup oleh Bapa, demikian juga barangsiapa yang memakan Aku, akan hidup oleh Aku. 6:58...
Layout A (with pagination)
Man got deteriorated even more rapidly in their morality. They were doing interbreeding and this seemed to cause 2 things: – God said His spirit became limited in time for 120 years – the birth of Nephilims or giants The evil was ravaging both in actions and imaginations. Then...
This chapter shares the story of Adam’s lineage through Seth. A few interesting things: – the life span of man decreased, with the exception of Kenan, slightly improved but in general was a downward trend. – Notable mention is Enoch. For the first time it’s...
This chapter tells a story of the first murder. Cain, Adam’s son, killed his brother Abel, over anger and “jealousy” that his offering was not accepted. There were many theories flying around, why Cain’s offering was not accepted but Abel’s. For example...
Genesis 3 is one of the cornerstone chapters in Christianity and the foundation of its dogma. It’s hard to interpret. Short story: Satan tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God and they ate the forbidden fruit, resulting in the broken relationship with God. Followed by consequences and...