Layout A (with pagination)

Bible Plan

Genesis 41 – God lifts us up in His timing

2 years passed since last chapter. Pharaoh had dreams that trouble him and he looked for answers. His cupbearer now remembered Joseph and told Pharaoh. Pharaoh asked to see Joseph. Joseph first declared that it is his God who had the ability. So, Pharaoh shared his dream and Joseph...

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Bible Plan

Genesis 40 – The Dream Interpreter

Joseph was imprisoned together with a cupbearer and a baker. Both are critical positions to Pharaoh, because during that time kings need to be careful of poisoning. Both had dreams and told their dreams to Joseph. Joseph interpreted it, for the cupbearer, in 3 days he will be freed and...

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Bible Plan

Genesis 38 – A Palm Tree Flourished

This chapter focusing on Judah’s life specifically about his daughter in law , Tamar ( means Palm Tree). Judah’s son, Er died. And according to the custom, his brother had to replace his role to take the widow, but Onan did not take it fully and properly. Onan died too. And...

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Bible Plan

Genesis 37 – The Dream and the Pit

The story started with an opening that the chapters onward is in parallel of Esau’s genealogy, but of course is much longer, to emphasize the path of Israel. So, Jacob settled in the promised land, and inherited Isaac’s land. And the next sentence started with Joseph...

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