Joseph picked 5 of his brothers (I guess he carefully picked one that would not ruin the event) to meet Pharaoh, and as instructed they were told to tell Pharaoh that they were shepherds. As for the Egyptians this was despised job. So they settled down at Goshen. Jacob met Pharaoh and...
Layout A (with pagination)
Finally, the climax of Jacob’s life is coming, very soon, as he was preparing to set for the journey to see Joseph. God appeared to him in Bersheeba to encourage him. Note that this is the first time again this encounter with God mentioned, after a long time, which were happened...
This chapter is one of the best stories genre in Bible. It’s full of emotions. Joseph finally lost his barrier and broke his emotions, after Judah’s last word. He revealed himself. He then asked the Egyptians to go out and there he wept so loud. The text literally said, it was...
So the brothers enjoyed their time in Egypt, well treated by Joseph. Then Joseph asked his manager to load them with full sacks, returned the money and …. also to “insert” a silver cup into Benjamin’s sack, before returning to Canaan. On the way, he instructed his...
Time passed, and the famine continued to ravage. The food supply from Egypt diminished. So Jacob and the sons had argument about going back. Judah explained that they would not be able go back without bringing Benjamin, as Joseph had already said, “Don’t see my face again...