Three fundamental things in life were instituted in this chapter. Perhaps, if we know the origin, our perspective may be freshen. God rested (Shabath) on day 7. God is not bound by time, there’s no days in his realms, neither he felt tired or weary that he needed rest. The rest is...
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Genesis 1 is one of the most studied, debated, argued chapter scholarly, along with others, for example John 1. The question of the beginning is always an existential one and is one of the foundations of the meaning of life. Practically, here are my notes: God himself is an indetermine...
Jacob died in the arms of Joseph and was given a very grand funeral. I remembered Jacob told Pharaoh that his days were not comparable to Abraham and Isaac. I feel God had a good sense of humor here. He probably chatted with Jacob up there, “Do you want now to see how is your last...
This chapter tells the story of Jacob’s last day. On his death bed he pronounced the prophecy and blessings for each of his sons, the twelve tribes of Israel. Explicitly He mentioned, for the days to come – affirming Israel to be a nation. There was a significant change and...
Of all the troubles and pains that Jacob had gone through, the most painful dispensation was the time when he had to be separated with Joseph with the thought that Joseph had died. And same for Joseph, imprisoned unfairly after life as a slave with pounding questions – why did not...