Abraham, now old age, sent his servants to go to his homeland in search of a wife for Isaac. Abraham detailed the instruction very clearly and even ask the servant to take an oath. Subsequently the servant was very diligent in following Abraham’s instruction. He asked God for a...
Layout A (with pagination)
In this chapter, Sarah died. Abraham mourned her and prepared a burial site from her, purchased from Efron the Hittites. The story opened with Sarah’s death at Kiriath Arba. Abraham went there and mourned. Now, this is interesting fact. Arba is far from Bersheerba. Dr Asigor...
This story reveals of how God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, the promised son, as burnt offering. Abraham obeyed but then God intervened and stopped him, providing him with a ram instead. Abraham went back with Isaac. This story certainly is one of the most critical important stories...
Here is finally the pericope that we have been waiting for, the birth of the promised son, Isaac or Laughter. God fulfilled his promise against natural law, as both were old. Abraham circumcised him as an act of covenant and remembrance of His promise and the writer allocate a space to...
Herein is that love perfect in us, that we should have boldness in the day of judgment: for as he is, even so are we in this world (1 Jn 4:17) John’s writing is deep, mystical, philosophical. Understanding the above verse, ignited me to see from St Augustine’s view of good and...