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Ulasan RCL

Ulasan Bahan Khotbah RCL: Markus 6:1-13

Ditulis oleh: AAS (Dimuat seizin penulis). 6:1 Kemudian Yesus berangkat dari situ dan tiba di tempat asal-Nya, sedang murid-murid-Nya mengikuti Dia.6:2 Pada hari Sabat Ia mulai mengajar di rumah ibadat dan jemaat yang besar takjub ketika mendengar Dia dan mereka berkata: “Dari mana...

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Ulasan RCL

Ulasan Bahan Khotbah RCL: Markus 5:21-43

Oleh: AAS (Dimuat seizin penulis). 5:21 Sesudah Yesus menyeberang lagi dengan perahu, orang banyak berbondong-bondong datang lalu mengerumuni Dia. Sedang Ia berada di tepi danau,5:22 datanglah seorang kepala rumah ibadat yang bernama Yairus. Ketika ia melihat Yesus, tersungkurlah ia di...

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Bible Plan

Genesis 26 – the Unceasing Well

In this chapter, God repeated his promise again to Isaac while he settled down at Gerar. Isaac did the same mistake again like Abraham declaring that Rebekah was his sister. King Abimelekh rebuked Isaac for doing so, for he did not want to sin against him. God upheld Isaac’s dignity...

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Bible Plan

Genesis 25 – The Twin Rivalry

In this chapter, Abraham died. Ismael and Isaac buried him together at Sarah’s tomb. There is a short story of Abraham’s other wives and family and a section dedicated to Ishmael’s genealogy. Rebecca was barren and Isaac prayed, so God opened her womb and told her the...

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