Layout A (one post)

Layout A2

Layout A2 (combined with B)

Layout A3

So the flood came, when Noah was 600 years old. – Noah and his family entered the ark, because God found him righteous in that generation – Noah did all that God commanded him – After Noah, his family and the birds and land animals...

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Layout A (with pagination)

Bible Plan

Genesis 7 – The Flood

So the flood came, when Noah was 600 years old. – Noah and his family entered the ark, because God found him righteous in that generation – Noah did all that God commanded him – After Noah, his family and the birds and land animals entered the ark, it was God who shut...

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Ulasan RCL

Ulasan Bahan Khotbah RCL: Yohanes 6:51-58

Ditulis oleh AAS. 6:51 Akulah roti hidup yang telah turun dari sorga. Jikalau seorang makan dari roti ini, ia akan hidup selama-lamanya, dan roti yang Kuberikan itu ialah daging-Ku, yang akan Kuberikan untuk hidup dunia.” 6:52 Orang-orang Yahudi bertengkar antara sesama mereka dan...

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Ulasan RCL

Ulasan Bahan Khotbah RCL: Yohanes 6:56-69

Ditulis oleh AAS – Dimuat seizin penulis 6:56 Barangsiapa makan daging-Ku dan minum darah-Ku, ia tinggal di dalam Aku dan Aku di dalam dia. 6:57 Sama seperti Bapa yang hidup mengutus Aku dan Aku hidup oleh Bapa, demikian juga barangsiapa yang memakan Aku, akan hidup oleh Aku. 6:58...

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Bible Plan

Genesis 6 – Favor in Rest

Man got deteriorated even more rapidly in their morality. They were doing interbreeding and this seemed to cause 2 things: – God said His spirit became limited in time for 120 years – the birth of Nephilims or giants The evil was ravaging both in actions and imaginations. Then...

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